The Surrender Novena

allow Jesus into your lives

Allow Jesus into your Lives

Jesus said to Fr Dolindo Ruotolo there is no better novena than this one and it only has 11 words

O Jesus, I surrender myself to You,

Jesus, You take over.

Galatians 2:19-20

​I live now with the life of Christ who lives in me

Through the Law I am dead to the Law, so that now I can live with God. I have been crucified with Christ, and I live now not with my own life but with the life of Christ who lives in me. The life I now live in this body I live in faith: faith in the Son of God who loved me and who sacrificed himself for my sake.

Jesus You Take Over

A Prayer of the Servant of God,

Fr Dolindo Ruotolo

When we turn to Him, 

we do open ourselves to Him, 

yet there is something we hold back.

We want Him to help on our terms, 

our prayers our ambitions realised. 

We bid Him to come 

but we do not permit Him to enter.

Little children depend on their parents. 

Just like we depend on our Father in Heaven. 

Little children give all to their parents 

whom they trust.

Jesus said

'Ask and it shall be given to you,

Knock and the door will be open,

Seek and you will find'

In another place He says

'Unless you become like little children 

you shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven'

It is not easy. 

It requires a great humility, 

it requires an immense faith. 

Abandonment is nothing 

but obedience pushed to the limit.

Let your cares go. 

Leave the cares to God and be at peace. 

Every act of true, blind complete surrender to God 

produces the effect you desire 

and resolves all difficult situations.

A thousand prayers 

do not equal one act of abandonment. 

There is no better novena than this

O Jesus, I abandon myself to You,

Jesus, You take over.

Likewise if we learn to hand over to our Father, 

our everyday cares, worries, concerns 

and place our total trust in Him 

in other words abandon ourselves totally to Him 

we will believe me begin to experience 

His great love and peace.

Yet He is there waiting for us. 

Telling us to ask of Him and asking us to become like little children.

When when we pray, our prayers seem at times to be not answered?

Why in our terms do terrible things happen to us?

Where is God?

Remember what he said to his Disciples -

'Come to me all you who labour and are over burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest. For my yoke is easy and my burden light.

Our journey in many ways will mirror the early disciples as told in the acts of the apostles. We will go through times when we think He may have abandoned us but the in passage of time we will see where he has brought us through difficult times strengthened in His love.

Place your total trust in Him, 

don't hold back for as Jesus said;


'Trust in God Now and Trust in Me'

God will change lives. 

We will begin to see the important things of live 

and indeed death.

For with God death holds no fear.

'God's way's are not our ways'